1. You must be 21 years of age or older. 2. You must have a valid drivers license or state I.D. 3. You cannot have a felony conviction. 4. You must submit to a back ground check. 5. You must not have immediate family, close relatives, spouse or significant others incarcerated within the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections. You also can not be on an inmate's visitation list. 6. You must agree to and follow all rules and regulations, by laws and protocols that have set forth by NOPSS. 7. There is an association fee: $45.00 a year. 8. I understand that I may be subject to an interview prior to being accepted as a member. 9. I understand that I may be subject to a probationary period. 10. I am physically capable of participating in paranormal investigations and I am not aware of any physical and/or medical conditions that would put others or me at risk.
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